Tech News (in Chinese) – 全球鋰電池回收高於預期,中國與南韓為幕後功臣

隨著電動車崛起、科技 3C 產品不斷推陳出新,未來除了電池用量與日俱增,我們也會獲得更多、更多的電池廢棄物,先前產業人士便分析,預估到 2030 年全世界會有每年會產出 220 萬噸的廢棄鋰電池,面對龐大的鋰電池廢棄物,各國準備好了嗎?

With the rise of electric vehicles and the continuous innovation of 3C products, in addition to increasing battery usage in the future, we will also get more and more battery waste. The industry has analyzed it and it is estimated that by 2030, there will be annual production in the world. With 2.2 million tons of waste lithium batteries, are countries ready for the huge lithium battery waste?

Hans Eric Melin